Container gardening - update

Well, despite my best (?) efforts, my container gardening did not produce quite the copious amounts of veggies I was after.

I did have a few tomatoes and I do have what appears to be a late crop ripening in the backyard, but no canning the excess will be needed. The spinach did a couple of rounds with no problems, though I have great trouble sprouting the seeds in 2 particular containers. I have a sneaking suspicion they are positioned in such a way as be attractive to birds, hmmmm.

What has grown though, are the capsicums.

Now, I DO know the reason for most of my failures, and that is the fact I didn't make a great effort to obtain seeds that are appropriate for growing in pots.
That, and I put two tomato plants in each container when they were probably better suited to one.
AND, I used some seeds that had long passed their expiry date.

But despite my best efforts, the capsicums are thriving.

Moral of the story:
-choose plants suitable for growing in containers
-don't overcrowd your containers
-use decent/recent seed.

Maybe I'll try pumpkins this winter....

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